How to Date Dominican Girls in Zona Colonial

If you’re spending some time in Santo Domingo as a tourist, then there’s a solid chance you’ll stay in Zona Colonial. This is ideal because it’s easy to date Dominican girls in Zona Colonial!

Zona Colonial is the historic district within Santo Domingo, the biggest city and capital of the Dominican Republic. As such, the area is a tourist hotspot. You’ll have all the amenities you need right here in this small district. In Zona Colonial, you have:

  • Bars
  • Clubs
  • Restaurants
  • Gyms
  • Ocean Views
  • Historic Monuments
  • Cafes
  • Hotels/Airbnb Apartments

Anything and everything you could want as a traveler is right here. For many who come to the DR on their first week or two trip, they don’t even leave Zona Colonial the whole trip. There’s just a lot going on here.

There’s also a lot of Dominican girls in Zona Colonial, and a few Venezuelan ones. That’s why you’re reading this article. You want to know how to date Dominican girls in Zona Colonial. If that’s the case, I got you. After spending months in the area, here’s exactly how you can meet some fine Dominicanas while living in this historic neighborhood.

Where to Stay in Zona Colonial

First, you need to know where to stay. This is paramount to making it easy to get girls from a date or nightclub back to your place with ease. While Zona Colonial isn’t a huge place, some spots are better than others.

For example, I wouldn’t recommend living directly on El Conde. This area is loud and you won’t have a ton of privacy. You also wouldn’t want to live too far north of El Conde. Things get pretty dicey just four blocks north of El Conde.

Personally, I’d recommend staying 1-3 blocks off El Conde in Zona Colonial. This will put you within walking distance to all the great things Zona Colonial has to offer, while keeping you a little bit away from the hustle and bustle of the neighborhood.

Zona Colonial, Santo Domingo.

You can find hotels in Zona Colonial from $25-100+ a night. A decent mid-range hotel with air conditioning on a weekly rental should run between $40-50 a night.

Airbnb apartments in Zona Colonial will cost anywhere from $450-900+ a month. A decent studio with A/C and WiFi will cost around $600-700 if you’re only staying a month or two.

If you want to save a little money, you may be able to find something cheaper around Ciudad Nueva. This small barrio is to the southwest of Zona Colonial and within walking distance to everything La Zona has to offer.

Here you can save 10-15% on hotels and apartments when compared to Zona Colonial. I actually love the area, as it’s easy to get to outdoor gyms, the Malecon, and has more of a local vibe to it.

Ciudad Nueva, Santo Domingo.

Online Dating in Zona Colonial

Like anywhere in the Dominican Republic, online dating is going to work really well in Zona Colonial. I have no doubts you’ll be able to meet tons of women here using different sites and apps. Here are the three sites I’ve used with great success while staying in Zona Colonial:

  • Dominican Cupid: This is THE online dating site in the Dominican Republic. Zona Colonial is no different. You can meet a new girl every single day if you speak Spanish and put enough time into it. I highly recommend signing up for Dominican Cupid if this is your first trip to the DR. Plus, it’s easy to get girls from all over Santo Domingo to meet you for a drink in a romantic bar in Zona Colonial.

  • Tinder: You should definitely use Tinder while in the Dominican Republic. Most girls using the app will be interested in meeting travelers, and many of them will speak decent English. They’ll all be willing to visit you in Zona Colonial.
  • Latin American Cupid: Honestly, I’d only recommend using Latin American Cupid to meet Dominican girls if you plan to stay in the DR for more than a few months. The site is almost as good as Dominican Cupid, but it doesn’t make sense to use both – unless you have a lot of time.

Nightlife in Zona Colonial

Now we’re getting to the good stuff. While Santo Domingo nightlife is better in other areas, you’ll have more than enough options in and around Zona Colonial to keep you happy. Plus, girls that like foreigners know they stay in the district and often come around to party.

While some of the hotspots change every 6-12 months, there are classic spots for Zona Colonial nightlife that will always be a hit. Here are a few of those:

  • Onno’s: The best bar/club in Zona Colonial. While it’s not great every night, you can expect Thurday and Saturday nights to be pretty damn fun at Onno’s. Plus, this place is easy to get to and cheap. It won’t be hard to meet cute Dominican girls here.
  • Caciba Bar: A popular rock bar in Zona Colonial, which is a rarity. The crowd here is international and it’s a great place to start the night or pop in between clubs. The girls here won’t be as easy as Onno’s, but there’s some quality. Be smart about who you hit on.
  • Parada 77: Latin music dance club. A small place, but worth a stop by if you don’t have much else going on. Gets going a little bit later. If you can’t dance a little, the Dominican women here will wonder why you showed up.

Parada 77 dance floor.

  • Garabato Lounge: This is a decent club in the high-end area of Zona Colonial. Most of the girls here will have traveled to Europe or New York and come here because they like electronic music. I’ve done well here, but I think it’s more luck than anything else.
  • Bio Bar: Tiny bar/club close to Ciudad Nueva. I often check in here and see how it is on my way from Onno’s to Mint on a Saturday night. You can basically hit on a girl or two here, see if she wants to go to Mint, and then leave. I’ve never spent more than 45 minutes here.
  • La Espiral 313: A newer club in Zona Colonial. It’s decent sized and plays a variety of music. I only went once, but was fairly impressed. I’d plan to spend some time here if Zona Colonial nightlife is on the docket.
  • Mint: Late night club on the Malecon. This place is pretty Dominican with chapidoras, dembow, reggaeton, and more. Come here after one in the morning only! I’ve had the best luck bringing girls at met at bars in Zona Colonial here after hours and then bouncing to my place.

Day Game in Zona Colonial

I can’t lie. It’s pretty easy to day game in Zona Colonial. You can pretty much talk to any girl you see. If she looks at you, she is curious. Here are a few areas that have a higher concentration of girls:

  • Parque Independencia: Where this park and El Conde meet there is a bus/guagua stop. Tons of people get on and off these buses, especially around rush hour. If you’re looking to day game hunting around here between 3:30-6:30 p.m. is ideal.
  • Avenida Durarte: You’ll see hundreds of people around Avenida Durarte to the north of Zona Colonial. Come here right before people get off work and leave before it gets dark. This is a ghetto area, but you’ll see some girls for sure.
  • El Conde: You’ll find some girls on El Conde, too. Just be careful. A lot of girls walking around El Conde all day will be hookers looking to make some cash. Many of these chicks are street smart and may steel something from your place without you knowing.
  • Parque Colon: If you’re looking to sit back with a coffee or cigar, this is the best place to do so in Zona Colonial. They’ll be some girls walking by every now and then. Sometimes I’d grab a juice and just sit on a bench here. If a girl glanced my way, I’d smile and wave her over. You’d be surprised how often it worked.

Parque Colon, Zona Colonial.

Where to Take a Date in Zona Colonial

With dozens of bars in Zona Colonial, it’s not hard to find a decent spot to take a chick for a drink. Your best bet is to test out a few of them and see which one works best for your needs. This will usually be determined by your budget and where you’re staying in Zona Colonial.

Here are three of my favorite places:

  • Onno’s: Monday through Wednesday Onno’s usually has drink specials in the evening. There usually aren’t many people and the atmosphere is perfect for a date. If she’s not a high class girl, this spot is ideal.
  • SegaZona: Dominican girls absolutely love this spot. I’m not sure why. If you’re with a middle class girl, she’ll probably want to go here. Don’t worry. It’s not really expensive for how fancy some of the girls think it is. Try to sit inside or your could get caught on a date by other girls.
  • Eli’s Beer Market: A good bar for a casual date and some beers. Not the absolute best environment, but it’ll do if you want to drink a beer that’s not Presidente!

Speaking Spanish in Zona Colonial?

If you’re living in Zona Colonial, you can get away with not speaking any Spanish. It’ll be a little difficult, but not too bad.

Should you learn to speak Spanish before you go to the DR? 100% yes! It’ll make your trip so much easier.

If you know little Spanish, I’d recommend starting with Rocket Spanish. The program will have you holding normal conversations within a few months. Truly, I’ve yet to find a faster program than this.

If you can speak a little bit, but want to date Dominican girls, then I recommend Pickup Spanish. This program will teach you how to flirt in Spanish better than the locals. I couldn’t recommend it enough!

Dominicanas 😉

How to Date Dominican Girls in Zona Colonial

It’s pretty easy to date Dominican girls while living in Zona Colonial. Just use the guide above and I promise you’ll have more girls than you know what to do with here. Dominican women are absolutely amazing and Zona Colonial is a lovely neighborhood. Just spend as little time on El Conde as possible and you’ll love it!

Oh, and don’t forget to sign up for Dominican Cupid before you land! There’s nothing like having a sexy Dominicana waiting for you when you arrive…

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Papi Chulo

About the Author

Papi Chulo

Living and traveling around Latin America, Papi Chulo learned a thing or two about dating stunning Latinas. Now, he's sharing that information with the world. If you've ever wanted to meet stunning, exotic women - the time is now!